"The people you listen to are a preview of the future you."
-Jeff Henderson.


There's something about mindsets that's mind boggling.

They're like new computers or phones or blank canvases at birth. The applications or programs that you download in them are what make your system different from mine and able to do different things from mine.

As we grow, we are consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously downloading software that will determine the kinds of lives that we live.

If the voices you hear constantly tell you that you're incapable, too small, and terrible at doing certain things, guess what's going to happen to you?

Yep! You’ll cripple yourself into consistent failure.

On the other hand, what happens if the voices you hear regularly, tell you what's possible and not what's impossible; if the voices you hear tell you there's really nothing hard about anything, and that God's presence in your life makes you unstoppable, guess what's going to happen to you?

Yes again! You'll begin to pursue your dreams without any shadow of a doubt that your time is coming.


Eve never planned to disobey God and doom the human race.

She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, LISTENING TO THE WRONG PERSON!

Her life was going fine and according to God’s plan, until Satan hacked into her mind.

Once the poison of doubt was planted, it was only a matter of time before she did what she never thought she would do: disobey God.

When the deed was done, the second question God asked them began with, "Who told you...?"


Today, I have the same question for you.  WHO TOLD YOU?  

The negative things you think about yourself...who told you?

The things/people you're afraid of that are meant to be afraid of you...who told you?

The person you want to be, but don’t believe you can be...who told you?

If it wasn't God, it's a big fat LIE!


Consistently listening to certain voices will begin to make you think like them, and (give it a little more time) act like them, and (if your consistency is amazing,) even live like them!

It's not magic. It's just a mindset thing.

As we dive deeper into the last part of 2022, your goals could very well depend on the voices you regularly hear.

The good news is that it's up to YOU to scrutinize the sounds that are loudest in your life. 

You have the power to tune down voices and turn up the volumes of the ones that speak in the direction you're going.


I'm still rooting for you. 

And here's to your progress.🥂









  1. Being able to differentiate between the voice of God and the devil is very key. Thank you for this.

  2. I can't agree less. I need to learn to filter the voices I allow to influence me. Thanks Sis. Eunice for this piece.

    1. Yess
      You're welcome, sis.
      Thanks for reading ✨💕

  3. Very true. It's what God thinks of you that matters most. God bless you 🥰. Keep up the good work 💪

  4. Hmmm, who told me?

    "Consistently listening to certain voices will begin to make you think like them, and (give it a little more time) act like them, and (if your consistency is amazing,) even live like them!" Eunice Obidi.
    Hmm.... who do I listen to?Something to always keep in mind as I go through life.

    Cheers to you rooting for us 🥂
    You're going places, Eunice 💯🎈

  5. Building your christian Faith and sounding yourself with Godly positive like minds

    Thank you..

  6. ...Satan hacked into her mind... Once the poison of doubt was planted... Those are my favourite lines 🔥

  7. The good news is that it's up to YOU to scrutinize the sounds that are loudest in your life.

    You have the power to tune down voices and turn up the volumes of the ones that speak in the direction you're going.


    Thank you, Eunice✨
    More insights in Jesus name, Amen.

  8. This is apt and very relatable. Thank you sis Eunice ❤️


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