Stop Struggling!

Hey you!

I've been watching you for a while now and I know you're not fine. You smile and laugh and talk a lot on our group chats. But when the lights are out and when nobody is around, I know you feel this big vacuum inside you. I know how much time you try to drown yourself with work, friends and social media so that you won't have to deal with the emptiness that's screaming inside you.

It doesn't matter what other people think about you, you know that something is missing.

I know you're struggling. 

With sin. 

It's like quick sand. The more you try to get out, the more you're sucked in. You've tried and failed thousands of times and you've settled with the lie that you can't ever be free.

See, I see the sadness in your smiles and the tears in your laughter. I hear the hollowness of your words and I can feel the gaping emptiness inside you. I see the heavy chains wrapped around you, holding you back in darkness. You crave happiness, fulfilment and real joy. But it seems too far from your reach.

This is not the life you want. But it's the life you're living. And it doesn't have to be like that.

We've all done that. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We were all born in sin.

Until you realize that it's in your very nature to sin and that you've been fighting a losing battle with yourself from the very beginning, you will never know freedom. 

JESUS came so that YOU (in particular) can be saved from the very chains that hold you down. JESUS came so that YOU can be truly FREE from the shame and pain of sin. JESUS came so that YOU won't have to struggle.

 He hung on the cross. For you. 

He bore the pain. For you. 

He wore the shame. For you. 

He carried the burden. For you. 

Can you stop fighting a battle that isn't yours to fight? Can you stop struggling by will power? Can you drag your beaten and worn out self to the Cross and just lie down there, lift your hand and cry for mercy? Can you spill those tears, not on your pillow this time around but on His feet? Like the adulterer they threw at the feet of JESUS, can you just SURRENDER. 

Now, His voice calls out your name. If any one calls to me, I will in no wise cast out. He wants you to know that He is interested in You. He's seen the lies you told and the things you did in secret and He still wants YOU. He sees how tired you are and His arms are wide open to receive you. "Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest.". His hand is not short that it cannot reach you. There's nobody too rotten He cannot save.

If this is you and you're ready to stop fighting and just SURRENDER to your Maker, say this prayer:

"Lord JESUS. I come to you today, tired of myself. I finally realize that I am a rotten person that can't help myself. I've come to accept your call. I know you died on the cross of Calvary for my sins, so I don't have to struggle. You're the only one who has the power to save me. Please forgive me and wash away all my sins. Lift this heavy load of guilt that I've been carrying and make me your child. I want the joy and happiness that comes from walking with you everyday of my life. Come and be my LORD AND SAVIOR. Thank You Lord for saving me. In Jesus name I've prayed. Amen."

Congratulations! And welcome to the family of God. For whosever the Son of man shall set free is free indeed. You are now BORN AGAIN. 



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