A pilot hovered in the sky in his helicopter,w the confusion going on on the ground below him.

 A driver in a small Peugeot car was speeding on the highway when he suddenly had to slow down because of the heavy duty truck in his front that was moving at a snail's pace. The driver drove for a while behind the slow truck, enduring the slow pace he was moving at. He had an important event to attend and he hated to be late.

The truck kept rumbling forward slowly and noisily and after sometime the driver of the Peugot car began to get imaptient. He decided to overtake the slow truck. He leapt out of his lane a little, with the intention of overtaking the truck. But an oncoming car prevented him and he had to go back to his lane. This happened four to five times. Everytime the car driver tried to leave his lane to overtake the truck, another vehicle from the other lane would be coming his way. Afraid of been hit, he would go back to his lane behind the slow truck.

The pilot observed the peaugot car and felt sorry for him. The road was actually free and if only he had a way to communicate with the car driver, he would be able to tell him when he was safe enough to overtake the slow truck.


Child of God, I have a word for you today. You may be getting tired and frustrated of something in your life. Maybe you expect God to elevate you to a higher level or provide something better for you, increase your standard of living or maybe bring an end to your delay in, career, marriage, ministry, childbirth, etc. And you've tried your possible best to help yourself and get out of the frustrating situation you're in but like the car driver, your efforts have not yielded results and you're getting frustrated. 

God is like the pilot in the helicopter watching everything. He knows and understands your worries. He sees exactly what is going on and He wants to help you. You see, unlike the car driver, the pilot could see when it was safe to overtake the truck and when it was not. 

Perhaps you've been banging on Heaven's doors for a particular thing, because after all, "ask and it shall be given unto you". But no answer is forthcoming, and you've begun to wonder if God still answers prayers. 

Don't be impatient and don't jump into fire. God knows the best time to overtake and trust me, when you put your faith in Him, He will clear the road and make all things beautiful in His own time.

Rest assured today, beloved, that God feels your frustration and sadness. 

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time to plant your efforts through sweat and much pain and there will equally be a time for your breakthrough.

Hang in there, soldier. I love you but God does more... And He has perfect timing.🎯


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