Debbie looked at the handsome man across the table, too stunned to speak. A thousand thoughts whirled in her mind, and she felt dizzy. She blinked twice. Maybe she had not heard correctly.

 "What?" She said in a voice was tinier than a whisper.

Troy smiled and repeated, "Will you marry me, Debbie?"
The air became too hot, she could hardly breathe. She fanned herself with her hand. Her heart throbbed against her chest.
"No." She replied wide-eyed. "No, I can't... I can't." She drew back her chair, retrieved her purse from the table and ran to the restaurant's parking lot. Tears blurred her vision making her trip twice.

Troy ran after her. If he was keeping track, this would be about the thousandth time he was running after her. He loved Debbie with fiery passion and he would give anything for her to be all his. Why did she always run? Why couldn't she stay in the love that promised to envelope her so that she forgot everything that had ever happened to her. How long was he going to keep running after her? As he pushed the doors open, he knew. He would never stop running after her until she was all his.

"Debbie wait!" He shouted. She had entered her car and was about driving off. She shook her head and laid her head on the steering wheel.

Troy jogged up to her. "Debbie, what's wrong? Why can't you marry me? I don't care how many times you've heard it, but I really love you. Why can't you just give me a chance?"
Debbie's shoulders shook as she weeped. She raised her head from the steering. Her eyes were puffy, her cheeks red and blotchy but all Troy saw was perfect beauty. His heart ached for her despite everything.

"You don't understand, Troy." She sniffed. "You just don't."
"What don't I understand." Troy asked, perfectly aware of what she was about to say.
She bit her lip and more tears cascaded down her cheeks. "You're the perfect man, Troy. You have everything I could ever ask for. Troy you're nice, decent, godly, you have everything..."

Troy's face was serious "don't flatter me, Debbie. What don't I understand?"
Debbie swallowed. "You don't understand that the problem is me! I am not the woman you need. I've messed up countless times, Troy..." She broke down then.

 The tears were threatening to choke her. Why couldn't Troy leave her alone and love someone else?
"Troy, I've never told you this, but I'm going to tell you because I...I love you. "
Troy's heart warmed a little. "I'm listening, Debbie."

"I lost my virginity when I was sixteen at a night party and it was not accidental. I've done unspeakable things and gone to unspeakable places. My life was a colossal mess before now, Troy. You don't deserve someone like me. Go look for someone that has a better past so you can build a bright future. I've accepted my fate. I'm never going to get married. I can't do this to any god-fearing man. I can't do this to you."

Troy clenched his teeth and the veins in his jaw pronounced themselves, but there was a calmness in his eyes. He had been expecting everything she had said, but her saying it made him really sad. He felt for her.

"I know." He said, finally. "Before you started talking, I knew what you wanted to say, but I already know everything about your past, Debbie. I know the pain, the hurt and the suffering you went through. I know the unspeakable things you did. I know everything about you, Debbie. And I still want you. I want you 'warts and all.'"
Debbie looked at him. Was he done losing his mind? Was this a joke?

Troy stared back at her and it was his turn for his eyes to glaze over. "I've been running after you, Debbie. When will you take your eyes off your past or present and look at me. I've gone through great lengths to find you and have dinner with you. Trust me, there is no one place you have been that I wasn't there looking for you, watching you. I love you and this love cannot quench. Please say yes, Debbie. Marry me. I want to change your story."

Debbie cried like a baby for minutes. This was sounding too good to be true.

"Debbie," Troy's voice came again, calm and soothing like the ocean. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes." She replied, swallowing. The tears had not stopped falling. But how could she say no?

"God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.

Hello beautiful/handsome. Have you said yes to Jesus' proposal? He is asking everyday. Have you said 'yes' or you're still running from the grasp of His love? You can enter His love today by saying this prayer with faith:
"Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me so much that you gave your life for me. I accept that I'm a sinner and I've gone contrary to everything you've wanted for me. Please forgive me and come into my life. I promise to not go back to do the things I used to do. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Jesus because I know you've answered. Thank you, because I'm no longer a slave to fear and sin. Thank you because I'm a child of God. Amen."
If you've said this prayer today, welcome to the family of God. You're now officially, a son/daughter of God, a son/daughter of the Creator of Heaven and earth. What could be cooler than that? πŸ˜ŽπŸ’―


  1. Unstoppable love that never ends. Jesus is unrelenting in His pursuit of lost souls.πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯😭

  2. πŸ’–
    Thank you for reading, Faith.


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