Episode 3.

He was at the chapel again. I had stalked him there. As he walked towards the altar, I followed behind quietly, inching close enough to hear and see him but not enough for him to detect any movement.

He dropped to his knees, bowed his head and folded his arms across his chest. I couldn't see his face, so I stared at his back.

"Oh Lord," he began. "Make use of me. Make me the Paul of my generation, Lord. Fill me afresh with your Spirit. Pour your oil on my altar and cause me to burn so hot for you..."
As he prayed, I felt the intensity of his prayers. The atmosphere was changing. His words became less pronounced and shifted gears to deep, sorrowful groans. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and his body shook as if under a burden.
"One thing I ask Lord," he prayed in between gnashed teeth. "Make me a walking piece of heaven. Let sinners, people who don't know you, let them be convicted and drawn to you when they see me. Use me God! Use me!!

Goosebumps flooded my arms as I heard him pray. He was so burdened. I couldn't understand why someone would pray so hard for God to make him an evangelist.
But what brought tears to my eyes, was the fact that his prayers were already being answered. God was turning him into a literal piece of heaven and yet, he was still praying for more.
If this guy prayed this prayer everyday, it was no wonder I was inching closer and closer to the cross, returning home from Babylon.

And it happened, one day, thinking about bro Charles, I was so convicted of my sins and the Father's Love for me, that I couldn't resist falling on my knees and giving my life to Christ in the most genuine repentance I've ever done.
Then a Peace came to stay. The Presence Bro Charles carried began to dwell in me and began to show in beautiful sparks in different areas of my life...
My relationship with Jesus grew and bloomed like a flower but it got to a point that I couldn't say the same for Bro Charles.
Along the line, something went wrong and things began to go downhill for him...


  1. Good structure. I pray the Spirit of God will breath on it and use it to bless life's.

  2. Replies
    1. That's our prayer, Omokorede. And He will in Jesus name!
      Thanks for reading πŸ˜‰

  3. Hmmmn, What a deep message conveyed! Mixture of great testimony and great tragedy.

    "The presence Bro. Charles carried began to dwell in me and began to show in beautiful sparks in different areas of my life..." - A life of impact!

    "...but it got to a point that I couldn't say the same for Bro. Charles. Along the line, something went wrong and things began to go downhill for him..." - Mysterious tragedy!

    I look forward to reading more on this series. My watch outs among others are:
    + What made the great giant like Bro. Charles fell? I believe a lot of people like me will learn from his mistakes. He had a radiant life like you've portrayed, ***what could have made him stop his progressive journey to becoming a walking piece of heaven on earth?***

    + "When Giants fall..."??? I hope my thought pattern aligns with the burden for this series... Are you trying to tell us about some other giants apart from Bro. Charles? Can we link the fall of Bro. Charles to the failure/fall of other giants? No giant stands alone, i believe. So it might have been a chain...

    Thank you for writing such a deep message!

    Looking forward to reading more, Unique Eunice.

    1. Wow! 😳
      Thank you for this analysis sir.
      It's really encouraging.😊
      By God's grace, I won't disappoint.

  4. Nice climax. Can't wait to see what happens next. Good job Eunice.πŸ€—πŸ€—

    1. Thanks Kamikun.😘 It's good to hear from you on here after so long. Thanks for reading.✨

  5. Bro Charles's life is like Matthew 5:14 "you are the light of the world..." His life alone was evangelising to someone and that says something to we, Christians. Our character, our life is an evangelist, it's not all about what you have to say or quoting the Bible or never missing a fellowship, our character preaches to people just like Bro Charles, how by his way of living preached to rukky. Once we have Jesus in our life we have his light and the best way of showing the light before men is by our way of living...I feel that people don't really have to hear what we say before they know we are Christians, our life, the light we carry will show and convince them just like Bro Charles did for Rukky...may God help us in Jesus name. Amen.

    I'm scared already, what's happening to bro Charles πŸ˜₯

    Nice one Eunice...God bless you.

    1. πŸ‘Œ. You got it!
      Amen. Thanks for reading this farπŸ€—


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