

If there's anything most people are scared of today, it's death! No matter how tough life gets, we all want to survive. And that's why there's something called "hustling." But do you know that there are silent killers surrounding humans everyday? And you know what's scary? They don't kill immediately. Theirs is a slow, unpainful death that culminates and results in final death.
Join me, as I unravel eight killers you may or may not be aware are killing you slowly but steadily.

1. Bad Habits:

Habits are things we do regularly and have become a part of us, knowingly or unknowingly. What do you do on a daily basis that you can't seem to separate yourself from and is almost an obsession? If it's bad, (cuz there are lots of bad habits) it could kill you in future. Is smoking your habit? Smokers are liable to die young. Do you drink alcohol like you drink water, your days could be numbered.  Do you spend so much time on social media, that there's no time to develop yourself for a bright future? Be careful, your habits make or mar you. If they're good, kudos. And if they're not, they could kill you eventually. It's the bitter truth.

2. White Sugar:

 I bet you didn't expect to see this here but voila! A major culprit of death many people ignore. Maybe that's why it's not likely to be off this list anytime soon.  White sugar is deadly!  Apart from  the diabetes and other deadly diseases they cause,s they accelerate the likeaging process. That's pretty scary. I haven't seen anyone who wants to get old fast.
 honey, brown sugar, maple syrup that serve the same purpose that sugar does but are healthier and don't kill you as fast as sugar does.

3. Fear:

 Ever heard the statement: "fear has torment"? Well torment most times, precedes death. Many people live in fear of so many things. Just Google Phobias today and you would have an endless list of things people fear. Fear of people, fear of water, fear of snakes, even fear of tomorrow! What do you think causes Hypertension and High Blood pressure? And these two, are leading causes of death. What are you afraid of? It could kill you if it's not checked.

4. Low self-esteem:

How much do you love yourself? How confident are you in yourself? How much do you believe in yourself? If your answers are leaning to the negative sides, you may need to up your game in loving yourself for who you are. Life does get hard at times and sometimes, you may feel cheated, forgotten or betrayed. This is why people take their lives. Low self esteem is a killer you need to eliminate from your life.

5. Anger and malice:

 Do you know that the heaviest thing you could ever carry is a grudge? Somebody hurt you and you've not let it go and it's eating you up from inside everyday. Dear Jewel, you are much too special to be angry at something as trivial as a broken relationship or an insult from Instagram or Twitter. The way you throw away a used tampon, throw it away and never ever think about it again. Anger kills it's bearer and malice destroys it's house.

6. Fast food

(Chuckles) Maybe you saw this coming. Sure it's okay to treat yourself to something nice once in a while (who doesn't deserve pampering?) And I get our lives run so fast that there is usually little or no time to prepare healthy meals but the moment fast foods become a regular/normal thing, you invite obesity, cancer and a host of other deadly diseases into your life, which ultimately could lead to death.

7. Bad company

Your friends have a lot to play in shaping your life, wether you realise it or not. The more you spend time with them, the more their habits become your habits, their choices become your choices and their attitudes become yours. Now imagine if your closest friends are a group of people with bad habits and no future ambitions. My dear, you get a step closer to death whenever you hang out with them. Choose your friends wisely, now!

8. Satan

God's word exposed this culprit a long time ago, but somehow people tend to keep on ignoring him. He has three goals as seen in John 10:10 To steal, to KILL and to destroy! His plan is to separate you from your Maker and make you die the final, irreversible death in Hell. And guess what? He's still on it. If you're not saved (born-again), you're not safe!


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