Where Peace Begins. 

Kemi threw back her head and cried agonizingly. She had done it again. Her heart constricted in pain as she thought of how hopeless she was. Over and over again, she had tried to put her body under control. To be strong and say no to that force that excited her hormones and pushed her to masturbate. She had failed every single time. She knew it was wrong. There were people who thought masturbation was a normal, okay process for every youth but Kemi knew the truth. She knew masturbation was nothing else but sin.

As she stared at her room and her laptop where she had viewed a pornography, she felt wasted. There was this uselessness that came after masturbating. She couldn't explain it but it was there. She felt filthy, dirty and guilty and she knew even if she took her bath ten thousand times, those feelings would never leave.

Worse, was the fact that she couldn't run away from it. No matter how much she tried, Kemi found herself in this mess of pornography. She had tried everything. From New year's resolutions to self discipline and deliberate efforts but she found herself falling flat on her face every time. She was running away from an enemy that was inside her. The farther she tried to run, the nearer that enemy was to her. This cord that was destroying her relationship with God had wrapped itself tightly around her like a Boa constrictor around a young goat.

"Oh God," she cried as she battled the guilt that prevented her from praying to such a holy God. "I've done it again. I'm sorry... I've tried everything to stop doing this but I can't control my body when I get into that zone. I'm fighting myself, oh God, and I can't win. I need you to take this impurity, this guilt away. I need your blood to just wash it off, oh God! I need you to save me from myself. It is hindering my relationship with you. Oh God, help me. Please! Help me!"

Kemi cried her heart out. She was resolute in her prayer. It was "take this weight, this sin away from me or I'll not leave this place.'

Dear soldier of Christ, do you know that sin kills your spiritual man? Worse, do you know that it separates you from such a loving God? You can't get rid of sin yourself.  Like Kemi realised, you need to understand that Jesus is the only one who can get rid of your sin and your personal efforts won't make any difference.

Holiness is the nature of God. To have a relationship with him, you have to be holy. But you can't do it alone. To have that Holiness, come to the only source -Jesus and ask for help. Come experience that peace you've been yearning for...
Peace begins where sin ends.

#Unique Eunice. 🌸


  1. But at times God seems silent to the point that you will think he wants you to fight the sin yourself. I'm just confused.

  2. But at times God seems silent to the point that you will think he wants you to fight the sin yourself. I'm just confused.


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