Stop Struggling!
Hey you! I've been watching you for a while now and I know you're not fine. You smile and laugh and talk a lot on our group chats. But when the lights are out and when nobody is around, I know you feel this big vacuum inside you. I know how much time you try to drown yourself with work, friends and social media so that you won't have to deal with the emptiness that's screaming inside you. It doesn't matter what other people think about you, you know that something is missing. I know you're struggling. With sin. It's like quick sand. The more you try to get out, the more you're sucked in. You've tried and failed thousands of times and you've settled with the lie that you can't ever be free. See, I see the sadness in your smiles and the tears in your laughter. I hear the hollowness of your words and I can feel the gaping emptiness inside you. I see the heavy chains wrapped around you, holding you back in darkness. You crave happiness, fulfil...