
We're Moving!

  Special one, we're moving ! Yessss A couple of days ago I finally bought into God's idea of expanding and stretching the curtains of my blogging journey. And yes, I admit I struggled with it for a while because it felt a little bit scary.  Actually, scratch that. It was very scary.  I didn't think I was ready and certainly didn't feel like making some commitments it would require from me. But I've learnt that when God says move, you better move! So whether I feel like I'm ready or not, this is me announcing to you that I would no longer be posting on the Godly Teens blog. We're moving to a new site, which would be the home of amazing and relatable blog posts from here on out.  I call it Purple Streaks. (Maybe I would write about how that name came about. *wink*) But before we head on over to the new site, I want to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU for being such loyal readers to my posts thus far. For commenting and sharing my posts. For critiquing my works and ad...


The bus stop was noisy as usual and her legs were beginning to ache. Susanna checked her watch, impatient. She'd been standing for over an hour now, and there was still no sign of a bus going to Ojuelegba. Strange, she thought. Even with the fuel and Naira scarcity, buses going to her area were rarely absent.  " Oga o " she sighed and placed a hand on her hip. ************ In the same bus stop, Tolani, eighteen, sat apprehensive. The pain in her lower abdomen and in between her legs were not going to stop her from accomplishing her goal. In fact, it was her motivation. That and the intense shame and guilt that had settled on her since she left the clinic an hour ago.  Her eyes darted back and forth the busy road, waiting for the perfect time to end it all. But the commercial buses stopping every once in a while to pick up passengers were making it difficult. She became impatient, restless. She thought about going further down the road that led to the express where cars ra...


Hi guys! Happy New Year! (Coming a bit late, I know) But I've gotten into the habit of not doing things, just because.  This month, I struggled to know what to write on this blog. I had a few ideas, scribbled them on paper, and was already writing on one, which was motivational/goal-smashing in style, when I was held back.  Apparently, God had other plans.  You see, motivation is good, but if you're headed in the wrong direction, it's the worst thing that can happen to you... So what does God want you to know, that He had to scrap my own writing plans? FOLLOW THE ARK. If you're familiar with the book of Joshua, you'd know that the Ark was a symbol of God's very Presence . Joshua told the Israelites before getting to the promised land (Jericho) that all they had to do was just go after it.  It was what would get them to the promise of God. Joshua even had to add that they better follow the Ark because they had not passed that route before. Everything was new, and...


"Hope is a flame that needs to be protected; it is the oxygen our dreams need to stay alive." -Eunice Obidi. Right now on this harmattan morning, as I write this blogpost, there are four items on the table before me: an empty glass, which held a steaming cup of Milo about four minutes ago; a red plastic plate with cake crumbs and clumps of abandoned icing sugar; a new notebook, it's pages smooth and crisp, waiting to be filled with everything bubbling in my heart; and an old notebook already filled cover to cover with different colors of ink. The old notebook, although wrinkled and the page edges folded up, is opened to a page titled "GOALSSS!" The writing is almost hard to read because it was written in red ink and is already smudging... But because I was the one who wrote it, it appears as clear to me as the day I wrote it on the third of January 2022.  As I read from line to line, page to page, I see the things I promised myself and God when this year started...

Five Things Christians Need To Know And Take Advantage Of In A Test/Exam Season

I love love the efforts you're putting into preparations for whatever test/exam season that lies ahead of you... But do you know that God's help will produce far greater results than your efforts ever will? Through every stage, from preparation to writing, there are five major ways God can HELP you in an exam season: 1. He orders your steps; One direction from God in that course can save you lots of time and efforts. Follow the course outlines, but don't forget to ask Him to guide you to places you need to concentrate on. 2. He reminds you; Ever walked into a test/exam and forgotten every single thing you read? It happens to a lot of people.  But fear not.  Believers in Christ have the advantage of the Holy Ghost, who has promised to remind you whatever it is you have studied but can't remember clearly.  Trust Him. 3. He assures you; For most people, exam seasons come with panic in the air.  As a Christian, you can exempt yourself from being a part of that.  The...


Dear Diary, I wish people know that the way you treat others will directly or indirectly affect you.  Beyond the laws of karma, it’s only human when people treat you the exact same way you treat them. Call it “Garbage in, Garbage out, if you want; but the shit is real. A couple of days ago, MJ, my friend, went to do her registration at school and was number twenty-something on the queue. We had planned to wait till she was done before we got lunch, but 2:00pm came and it was not even close to her turn. I decided to walk to a nearby supermarket to get myself something to eat in the meantime, because I was hungry. So I walked into this store and took a McVities shortbread and a drink (someone must've used this combination to curse me🤦), then walked to the cashier to pay for my goods. And this was where the devil had planted someone to try to ruin my day. The cashier, a woman above thirty, eyed my goods and opened the cash register. Then looked at me and said, “I don’t ha...


                                "The people you listen to are a preview of the future you." -Jeff Henderson.   There's something about mindsets that's mind boggling. They're like new computers or phones or blank canvases at birth. The applications or programs that you download in them are what make your system different from mine and able to do different things from mine. As we grow, we are consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously downloading software that will determine the kinds of lives that we live. If the voices you hear constantly tell you that you're incapable, too small, and terrible at doing certain things, guess what's going to happen to you? Yep! You’ll cripple yourself into consistent failure. On the other hand, what happens if the voices you hear regularly, tell you what's possible and not what's impossible; if the voices you hear tell you there's really nothing hard about...