
Showing posts from January, 2023


Hi guys! Happy New Year! (Coming a bit late, I know) But I've gotten into the habit of not doing things, just because.  This month, I struggled to know what to write on this blog. I had a few ideas, scribbled them on paper, and was already writing on one, which was motivational/goal-smashing in style, when I was held back.  Apparently, God had other plans.  You see, motivation is good, but if you're headed in the wrong direction, it's the worst thing that can happen to you... So what does God want you to know, that He had to scrap my own writing plans? FOLLOW THE ARK. If you're familiar with the book of Joshua, you'd know that the Ark was a symbol of God's very Presence . Joshua told the Israelites before getting to the promised land (Jericho) that all they had to do was just go after it.  It was what would get them to the promise of God. Joshua even had to add that they better follow the Ark because they had not passed that route before. Everything was new, and...