Five Things Christians Need To Know And Take Advantage Of In A Test/Exam Season
I love love the efforts you're putting into preparations for whatever test/exam season that lies ahead of you... But do you know that God's help will produce far greater results than your efforts ever will? Through every stage, from preparation to writing, there are five major ways God can HELP you in an exam season: 1. He orders your steps; One direction from God in that course can save you lots of time and efforts. Follow the course outlines, but don't forget to ask Him to guide you to places you need to concentrate on. 2. He reminds you; Ever walked into a test/exam and forgotten every single thing you read? It happens to a lot of people. But fear not. Believers in Christ have the advantage of the Holy Ghost, who has promised to remind you whatever it is you have studied but can't remember clearly. Trust Him. 3. He assures you; For most people, exam seasons come with panic in the air. As a Christian, you can exempt yourself from being a part of that. The...