Never Alone
"Aaargghhh!" Janet groaned in frustration and slapped her textbook shut. She had been reading the textbook in the last one hour and nothing was making sense. Not the notes. Not the calculations. Nothing. She glanced at her To-do list and tears almost welled up in her eyes. There were still three assignments she was yet to do. Assignments she didn't even know how to solve. Assignments that were due next week... To make matters worse, exams were in two weeks. How the heck was she supposed to cover the syllabus when her understanding of her courses was slower than the pace of a tortoise? She needed a battle plan. She had written exams in the past and succeeded. This time shouldn't be different. She flipped to a fresh blank page in her jotter and was about to draw yet another timetable when she heard her mother call her from downstairs. "Janet!" Janet's heart sank. "Yes mummy!" "Pastor Francis and his wife will be visiting us this evening. ...